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This is a 7-day tour intended to give you an overview of Rwanda, a feel of Akagera National Park and a visit to the Volcanoes National Park before we crown it with tracking the Golden Monkey.
With a game drive included you will have the time of your life!
With a professional guide on your tour, you will get a detailed explanation every step of the way.

This is a 7 day tour intended to give you an overview of Rwanda, a feel of Akagera National park as well as the visit to the Volcanoes National park before we crown it with the tracking of the Golden Monkey.


Day 1

Arrival at the hotel and transfer to the hotel

Arrive at the airport. Meet the guide who will give you a full briefing on the tour and transfer you to your hotel.
Dinner and overnight accommodation at The Court Boutique Hotel

Day 2

Kigali City eploration

Start with a historical exploration of Kigali city. Visits to landmarks from colonial, post-independence, genocide, and post-genocide times. Kigali Genocide Memorial where over 259,000 genocide victims were put to rest in mass graves.
The Dr. Richard Kandt Museum was the first German explorer to settle in Kigali. The Belgian camp where they killed the 10 Belgian UN soldiers who were protecting the moderate prime minister before the start of the genocide.
Transfer to Bugesera in the afternoon to visit the Reconciliation Village where the survivors of genocide live together in harmony with the perpetrators that killed their own families. Nyamata and Ntarama genocide churches where thousands of innocent people were butchered in the house of God.
Dinner and overnight accommodation at The Court Boutique Hotel

Day 3

Transfer to Akagera National Park - Boat right on lake Ihema

Early transfer to Akagera National Park for a thrilling boat ride on Lake Ihema to see herds of hippos, the giant Nile crocodiles, African elephants and lots of water birds.
In the afternoon, search for the big 5 (lions, rhinos, leopards, elephants and buffaloes) plus the 12 species of antelopes including the biggest antelopes, the eland cape and roan antelopes.
Experience some of the magnificent 525 bird species including four rare birds of Akagera. The area has the highest concentration of birds per square kilometer in Africa. You will also see reptiles, amphibians, plants, spectacular landscapes, and historical sites.
Overnight accommodation at Akagera Game Lodge

Day 4

Game drive and transfer to the volcanoes

Breakfast at lodge followed by a full game drive from south and exit in the north in search of the unseen game on the previous game drive. You will have a packed lunch box and soft drinks for the day.
Transfer to Musanze.
Dinner and overnight at Five Volcanoes Hotel

Day 5

Cultural tours

Breakfast at the hotel followed by a visit to a local association that teaches how to make Sorghum and Banana Beer; banana and sorghum are some of the staple foods in Rwanda and they are used in many different ways.
They are very important in our cultural practices and ceremonies most especially during our traditional wedding ceremonies, settling of disputes between community members, and bonding of relationships between different families, etc.
Dinner and overnight accommodation at Five Volcanoes Hotel

Day 6

Gorilla trekking – Volcanoes national park & twin lakes visit

After breakfast, we transfer to the park. After completing park formalities embark on a once in a llifetime experience of tracking mountain gorillas.
Once you spot them you are allowed to spend an hour watching your closest long-lost cousin. Getting close to these formidable giant primates is one of the most breathtaking wildlife experiences on earth! You stare at each other blankly not knowing who will break the long silence first. Tracking the gorillas through the light mountain forest on the slopes of the Virunga is a magical experience.
Be back at the base in time for lunch! Some gorilla families however are more elusive, and tracking can take a full day, especially when it is wet and muddy.
Visit the Twin Lakes, Burera, and Ruhondo in the afternoon.
Dinner and overnight at Five Volcanoes Hotel

Day 7

Golden monkey trekking & transfer to Kigali - airport

Golden Monkey Trekking and transfer to Kigali Airport
Go to the entrance of the park early this morning to see the Golden Monkeys. It is now believed the only population of these Golden Monkeys resides only in Volcanoes National Park. They are beautiful and endangered primates that have become quite accustomed to humans, making it possible to observe them closely.
After lunch, transfer to Kigali and to the Airport.
Time to say farewell.

Airport transfers, transport, 6 nights accommodation at the mentioned hotels, meals and picnic lunch boxes, Gorilla permits, Golden Monkey permits, park entry fees, boat cruise, culture tours, city tours, Emergency Evacuation Insurance, taxes, and administrative costs.

Visas, flights, health and travel insurance, alcoholic drinks and other beverages, personal expenses, laundry, tips, and telephone bills.

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